
The contents of the book Flaming Jackass are Copyright © 2016 Alexander G.J.
All rights reserved. No Part of the book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except for a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Erin's Paris part 1

In book 4, Erin gets to return to Paris. I went into a lot of heavy detail which may or may not make it pass the editor. Just in case, I decided to share what my reference was for where she stays whenever she runs away,  (even though, in book 4 it's not her fault). So presenting Erin's Paris, part 1.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Soly Hucking Fhit!

Just got a letter from Barnes and Noble saying they're going to distribute the first book on their network! I'm so happy. I feel like high fiving a thousand angels, or doing tequila shots with the devil, either one, it's all good. The first book is available to any book stores for distribution but I have yet to upload the second book to that network.
You can buy the second book through the Amazon direction but I want it to be available to the independent book stores, as  well as any other store which may not want to deal with Amazon's distribution network. I was waiting until I edited another series I'm working on (TBA) and want to upload them all at once. I'm guessing before the Christmas season starts, fingers and eyes, crossed.  I have to say, even if only one copy sells, I'm happy just making it this far, In spite of sounding like an artist, I have to say it's not all about selling a million copes and getting a movie deal and all that shit. Yes, that would be nice, but to me, it's like giving birth to something good and wanting to send it out into the world instead of it living in your basement for 40 years  and masturbating to free WiFi.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Book 5?

Finished another cover. This is for book 5. Book 4 was going to be the last one but there were a couple of loose ends I felt the character would want to confront before she felt her goals were at least at a resting place if not solved. I hate stories that wrap everything up in a bow at the end but I also hate the stories where you're like: "But what about______? and____?
 I'm going to go around to a couple of the book stores to see if they'll carry a physical copy of book. The digital version was selling well enough but my goal is to have the physical copy in book one and  one day do a book signing. But, for now. My goal is to write, do art and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pam Pam

Book 3 and 4 are in the proofing stage.  Book 2 is being aimed for a February release date. I think it will be perfect if I can get it done by Valentine's day because of the title " Flaming Jackass, In Love". Book 3 introduces one of my favorite characters:

Pam Barlow.

Age: 28

Job: part timer at the University Of Neopolitan Medical Center, Reproduction Sciences. Freelancer, Graphic Artist and Programmer for Naughty Little Devil Girl Graphics.

Pam is based on a girl used to work with at an art supply store and is best described in the novel as: "… ‘Robert Crumb’ girl type, after the style of the underground cartoonist that loved to draw thick, tall Amazon-like girls. Pam wasn’t that much taller than Erin but she was built in a broad, borderline plump way and always sported big clopping motorcycle boots." Pam is an only child of religious, conservative parents. She grew up 50 miles South of Neopolitan and like Erin had some very rocky teen years. At one point in her teen years, Pam was caught stealing her mom's Valiums. Instead of fessing up that she was taking them to get high, she lied and said she was trying to commit suicide. As a response, her parents sent her to one of those re-hap, troubled teen asylums. While there, she met a boy. They fell in love and escaped the camp where Pam ended up spending the entire Summer on the rough streets of Neopolitan, begging for spare change and sleeping in abandoned buildings. After her boyfriend was arrested for selling pot, she  was left to fend for herself. This was at the time there was a serial killer on the loose in the city known as Big F.S.O.B., targeting young street punks. When one of the girls she hung out with disappeared, Pam had had enough. She returned home to her extremely happy parents who spoiled her  rotten, while keeping a tight rein on her. As part of this arrangement, she was given a computer. This became her first love and she emerged herself in programing and graphic arts and a desire to be successful and rich. Pam is loving, uncouth, unapologetic and  will always tell you the truth, no matter if you want to hear it or not. In the novel, she offers a new perspective to Erin's craziness as Lashell does in the first two books. She is also roommates with Allen, another voice of truth but this time the male perspective that bounces off Erin's illogic. Book 3 and 4 focuses a lot of her and Allen's lives and turns Erin into a spectator while occasionally bringing her problems forward in a sort of tag team wrestling match.