
The contents of the book Flaming Jackass are Copyright © 2016 Alexander G.J.
All rights reserved. No Part of the book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except for a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

It's All About the Books

The First book is up and running and available for purchase on Amazon and Createspace. Either in regular book form or electronic style. My goal for the book is to get 1000 units out there.  I don't care if it's a regular book sale or the Kindle version (which are selling more than the book version) , but it doesn't matter. As nice as it would be, it's not about making lots of money and quitting my day job. That's the unrealistic dream of psychopaths living in castles in the sky. If the book sells a lot, of course I'd be happy but even with a great novel, there's no way you can guarantee  thousands of book sells and retire like those New York Times Best Seller people. Even most of them never make enough money to quit their day jobs unless there's a movie deal in the works. HBO, if you're listening, call me. Flaming Jackass would make a great series! No, my goal is to do art. If I can sell enough art or books to keep on doing it, THAT is my goal. to keep this thing going. 1000 units is a nice round number that says, 1000 people will probably buy the second and third and fourth books and make doing this worth it. This fan base is the most encouraging and in my opinion, appreciated people in the world. For someone to take a chance on an unknown artist or writer or even musician, and patronize them is an awesome thing and I thank you!!!

I have created a logo for my Publication company called Rabbooks Publishing. Now for some business cards:
Speaking of future books. I've already finished the cover art for books #2 and #3. The second book: In Love is in the editing process right now and hopefully will be out before Christmas. As for #4 (working title Detox), the first chapter is written and it's a big one that takes up 1/4 of the book. Here are the cover illustrations for #2 and #3:

Flaming Jackass; Book #2
 Book #2,  is due by Christmas 2016. This could be called the book when everything hits the fan that's already covered in shit.
Flaming Jackass; Book #3

You may have noticed her change of hairstyle on the cover of book #2. That's not the only change in that book. New characters and situations appear to further complicate Erin's life.

Character Files

Lashell Bronson

Lashell Bronson

Age: 21


Cashier/Cook at F. J. Pizza parlor.
Student at Neopolitan Community College studying Medical Billing. 


 Lashell is Erin's best friend and one of the few female fiends Erin has. She can always be counted on to tell Erin exactly what she's is doing wrong in an uncensored way. Lashell is a very resposible person and it drives her nuts with the idioic decisions that Erin makes. She also loves Erin and would do anything to help her out, especially get Erin and her out of the pizza parlor and into college.

Lashell has a temper, is impatient and argumentative. She lives at home with her mom, her single mother, sister and her niece. Lashell is closer in personality to her mother who, even tough they live in the rough part of South Neopolitan, has managed to provide for her daughters and made sure they never fell trough the societal cracks. Lashell is very clean cut: No smoking drinking or drugs creating, a complete contrast to Erin. In a way, Erin is like a social worker's project to her and she feels almost obligated  to do charity, but at the same time, she likes the way Erin makes her life interesting.